
Welcome to Seattle's EcoEastside blog - we have solutions for integrating sustainable practices into your business, organization and home operations! These practices are not just good for the environment, but also your bottom line.

Friday, November 4, 2011

What are some easy ways to 'Green' a business and see some instant savings?

The easiest way to 'Green' your business is to engage your employees in resource conservation!  Here are some examples:

1.  Save money in garbage output, by setting up a composting center.  Look at Whole Foods Dining Recycling Center for the best model.  Visual is key.  Within a plexiglass, or even simpler two laminating strips of paper, add what items can be recycled in each container.  For example, the Food Scrap Recycling visual aid would include not just pictures of food scraps, but also a napkin, paper cups and a teabag.

2. Turn down the heat to 65 degrees F at night.  Reduce the daytime temp by a degree.  Remind employees that temperature is a shared concept.  There are a range of temperatures that a given amount of people prefer.

3. Enable your computers to automatically turn on Energy Saving Mode at certain hours.

4. Have appliances that are used infrequently plugged into power strips.  Use the power strip to turn off the power when not in use to decrease phantom energy consumption.

5. Start a Green Story, initiate a Green Team and let the momentum for Resource Conservation begin!

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